
Start enhancing a dish you’re already in love with

Santé publique France

« Eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day ».

A tip that everyone has at least once heard and that has over the past 10 years been fully integrated in pop culture. That said, it does remain an impossible task for french people. Indeed, while French people only talk about “better eating”, about 40% of them still don’t follow the basic diet tips, such as eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day.

For the ones who are less involved,

these tips are perceived as being too numerous, too complicated and too restrictive. In that context, Santé publique France wanted to use a lighthearted positive approach to reconcile “healthy eating” and “pleasure”. Romance has been selected (from a 2018 pitch) to put this new approach under the spotlight and make french people aware of it. Say goodbye to difficult eating tips and recommendations, Santé publique France is helping and inviting french people to do a first small step towards better eating habits with its new campaign “Start enhancing a dish you’re already in love with”. An approach that relies on small easy steps rather than unrealistic new habits to adopt: eating a little bit better everyday helps change diet habits in the long term, while not giving up on pleasure. Jonathan Cohen lends his voice to the 3 films (30s & 2x15s) that all star questions people ask themselves while they prepare food. Because when it comes to food and better eating, there are always other factors that come into play: budget, fatigue, cooking skills and taste of children for example.

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